Foxx Blog
NEW Foxx Collection Feature: BioProcess Stainless Steel
304StainlessSteel 316StainlessSteel BalanceSpoon CorrosionResistant EZBio FoxxLifeSciences LabEquipment OffsetSpoons PharmaScoops Spatulas StainlessSteelFunnels
Article Written by Isabella Granara Foxx Life Sciences’ BioProcess Stainless Steel collection includes EZBio® Balance Spoon, Funnels, Offset Spoons, Pharma Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoon Spatulas. Our Stainless Steel Funnels and Pharma Scoops are made of 316 Stainless Steel, which is high quality, corrosion and chemical resistant. Spatulas and Spoons are made of 304 Stainless Steel which is the most versatile, authentic stainless steel in the world. What sets our BioProcess Stainless Steel products apart from others is that they are manufactured to make our customer user experience better. For instance, our EZBio® Pharma Scoops are fully welded in order to remove...
NEW Foxx Collection Feature: BioProcess Tubing
AmiPolymer Biopharmaceutical Class10000CleanRoom FluidTransfer FluoropolymerTubing FoxxLifeSciences PeristalticPump PharmaceuticalGrade SiliconeTubing SingleUseSystems TPEtubing
Article Written by Isabella Granara Foxx Life Sciences offers BioProcess Tubing in the forms of fluoropolymer, silicone, and thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) to cater to all customers wants and needs. Our tubing comes from Ami Polymer of Mumbai, a company devoted to manufacturing and supplying biopharmaceutical grade elastomer tubing, reinforced hoses, inflatable gaskets, etc. Our advantage over other brands is the fact that we carry three different types of tubing in a variety of sizes and materials. Popular brands tend to have a limited selection of tubing, which can be problematic for customers – it forces them to buy from multiple...
Foxx Life Sciences 2021 Open House
Biotechnology Event FoxxLifeSciences ISOClass7 Pharmaceuticals White Room
President/CEO Thomas Taylor and the team of Foxx Life Sciences is pleased to announce the upcoming of its annual “Foxx Life Sciences Open House”. This year the event will be taking place at the new corporate building in Londonderry, New Hampshire (12 N WENTWORTH AVE. LONDONDERRY, NH 03053). This building is in addition to the company’s other two locations - one in Salem, New Hampshire, and the other in Hyderabad, India. Join us on Wednesday July 28th, 2021, for events that will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Events will include a BBQ Luncheon, Silent Auction, Free...
4 NEW Class 7 Clean Rooms - Are You Ready?
Biopharmaceuticals Biotechnology Class7CleanRooms Cleanroom DownstreamManufacturing FoxxLifeSciences Pharmaceutical SingleUseAssemblies SO13485Certified UpstreamManufacturing
Foxx Life Sciences Announces completion of 4 NEW state of the art Class 7 Clean Rooms, 3 in Londonderry, NH and 1 in Hyderabad, India. The NEW Class 7 Clean Rooms will be an addition to the Foxx Life Sciences clean room in Salem, NH. It will be fully functional and certified to meet the demands of Foxx’s Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology customers. Fox Life Sciences has been ISO 13485:2016 Certificated for 10 years in a row. The new facilities will enhance Foxx Life Sciences position for fabrication of custom Single-Use Assemblies designed for the up/down stream manufacturing of pharmaceutical and/or diagnostic products....