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NEW Foxx Collection Feature: BioProcess Tubing

AmiPolymer Biopharmaceutical Class10000CleanRoom FluidTransfer FluoropolymerTubing FoxxLifeSciences PeristalticPump PharmaceuticalGrade SiliconeTubing SingleUseSystems TPEtubing

Article Written by Isabella Granara

Foxx Life Sciences offers BioProcess Tubing in the forms of fluoropolymer, silicone, and thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) to cater to all customers wants and needs. Our tubing comes from Ami Polymer of Mumbai, a company devoted to manufacturing and supplying biopharmaceutical grade elastomer tubing, reinforced hoses, inflatable gaskets, etc.

Our advantage over other brands is the fact that we carry three different types of tubing in a variety of sizes and materials. Popular brands tend to have a limited selection of tubing, which can be problematic for customers – it forces them to buy from multiple companies. At Foxx, you can do all your business with us.

Take a look at our competitor Pall. Pall only offers PVC material tubing. Although PVC, or poly-vinyl chloride, is one of the most versatile products in the chemical industry, it cannot withstand high temperature environments causing tubes to either leak or rupture. Foxx recognizes that our customers need a bigger selection, which is why we offer many options on our site.

Our products are made from high quality materials, as Ami Polymer controls all its own product development, manufacturing, and testing to ensure tubing of the highest standards.

The manufacturing of tubing at Foxx Life Sciences exemplifies our strict, quality standards. Our fluoropolymer tubing is manufactured in an ISO 9001 ISO 14001 and OHSAS 019001 certified facility. Our TPE tubing is manufactured and packaged in a Class 10000 Clean Room. All tubing fits its respective requirements and market compliances.

Options are Made to Order (MTO) in 6-10 weeks to ensure customer satisfaction.

Shopping for tubing can be confusing, so Foxx wanted to give you a chart that will help determine what you’re looking for. See below for our three different types of tubing, manufacturing details, what they’re used for, and the different options we offer. More information on our site under BioProcess Tubing.

We encourage customers with any questions or inquiries to email us at sales@foxxlifesciences.com or call 1-603-890-3699.






Fluoropolymer Tubing
Manufactured in an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 018001 certified facility. Meets all Biocompatibility and Extractable requirements.
    Designed for highly corrosive materials.
    • Imachemton® Viton
    • Imafep™ FEP
    Silicone Tubing

    Silicone Tubing is constructed of NSF-51 certified Platinum cured silicone resin tubing. Meets all regulatory market compliances (USFDA, MHRA, TGA, etc.).
    Made for peristaltic pump and fluid transfer in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Industries.
    • Imapex™,  
    • Imapure™,
    • Imaliner®,
    •  Imaflow™
    TPE Tubing

    Manufactured and packaged in a Class 10000 Clean Room with low permeability and is free of plasticizers.
      Suited for fluid transfer (specially designed with peristaltic pump). EZBio®Imaweld®Imaprene®Imaliner®

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