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HPLC Accessories

Need additional EZwaste® exhaust filters or lost your fittings? Foxx Life Sciences is pleased to offer EZwaste® Replacement accessories. All of the fittings and accessories you received with your EZwaste® Solvent Waste system are now available for separate purchase. Click here to see all of the available accessories. 

The EZwaste® replacement fittings are designed to work with our EZwaste® Solvent Waste System. The fittings are made from using quality materials and designed to be affordable. These fittings are necessary as it works with the Solvent Waste System to create a closed loop design. This design will protect against leaks and spills which will reduce the emission of VOCs into the air and improve the overall lab safety.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 1-603-890-3699 or email us at sales@foxxlifesciences.com. 


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